Re: A86: calc auto off


Re: A86: calc auto off

i've never seen any, i've never written any.  all i've got is notes from
disassembling the rom and some bits of code to test them (like keylink on

shamelessly stolen and modified from "TI-86 Link Protocol and Variable
Format Guide by Tim Singer", that's ti86link.txt.  see also ti-prot.txt,
both of these should be on ticalc:

 1.2: Command ID bytes for TI-86
   The command ID byte specifies the type of packet that it is.  Packets
   asterisks (*) by them have data attached.  # means the device id is
   with this command.  $ means it's a silent command

      Command ID    Command Description
      06 *          Variable Header - includes a standard variable header
      09            Continue - used to signal OK to send a variable
      15 *          Data packet - Pure data
      36 *          Skip/Exit - used when duplicate name is found
      47 *#$        Send calc ID
      56            Acknowledge
      5A            Checksum error: send last packet again
      68  #$        Test
      6D   $        Request screenshot
      74  #$        Request calc ID
      87   $        Send key
      92            End Of Transmission: no more variables to send
      A2 * $        Request variable - includes a standard variable
      B7 * $        Request variable index
      C9 * $        Request to send - includes a padded variable header


On Tue, 21 Dec 1999 11:05:57 -0800 Cassady Roop <>
>Anyone have any tutorials up on the silent linking abilities?
> wrote:
>> well, you can get and send vars, you can get pieces of vars (i 
>> you can send keystrokes (ie, control), if you're sneaky, you can 
>even set
>> chunks of memory.

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