A86: new emulator


A86: new emulator

Hi all,
I'm writing a new TI85/6 emulator (I'm not going to reveal any details about
it just yet, but I can tell you that it's going to be very very different
:), and I was wondering wether there existed a set of asm programs I could
use to thoroughly test my Z80 core...

 /*\-------------------------.   .----------------------------.
|    Liyang Hu aka DenseBoy   \ /   __pikachu ICQ # 39391385   \
|     http://www.nerv.cx/      |        <liyang@nerv.cx>        |
|  I am the Hardcore Gamer, and I hate all Casual Gaming Freaks |
|    of Nature, I play Minesweeper and Freecell 24/7, 7 days a  |
|    week, 52 weeks a year. Soon I shall play Solitaire and one |
|    day I'LL WIN! I AM FUCKING HARDCORE!!!!!!!                 |
|  Pheer me.                                                    |
|      -- C.A. Hughes on alt.digitiser                          |
|   .----------------------------------------------------------/
 \*/ /*  get my public key at http://www.nerv.cx/liyang.asc  */
