Re: A86: I need help...


Re: A86: I need help...

   call _clrLCD     ;clear screen
   ld b, 5      ;initialize your counter to 5
   ld (_curRow),de
   inc e
   ld hl, string    ;point to start of the text you want to display
   call _puts       ;display it
   djnz subby_loop  ;loops [b] times, or, in this case, 5 loops
   jp _newline

In a message dated 12/11/99 1:58:23 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

>    call _clrLCD       ;clear screen
>     call _homeup      ;0,0 screen coords
>     ld b, 5       ;initialize your counter to 5
>     xor a     ;xor a is a quick way of setting a=0
>     ld c, a       ;put zero into c
>  subby_loop:
>     inc a     ;increment line counter
>     ld (_curRow), a   ;set the new line value
>     ld (_curCol), c   ;put zero into column
>     ld hl, string ;point to start of the text you want to display
>     call _puts        ;display it
>     djnz subby_loop   ;loops [b] times, or, in this case, 5 loops
>     ret           ;return to shell or homescreen

Jonah Cohen