Re: A86: 16x16 Vid Mem Shift (rotate)


Re: A86: 16x16 Vid Mem Shift (rotate)

well, first try this:

>	ld de,$000D		; DE = 13
>	ld b,16		; BC = 16

sr16l1:			;these two lines are swapped
	push bc		; store BC for loop

>	xor a			; reset carry for each row
>	ld b,3			; BC = 3

you need to save bc each time you pop it and change it.


On Tue, 27 Apr 1999 11:20:50 -0700 Dave VanEe <> writes:
>I'm trying to move a 16x16 section of vid mem 1 pixel to the side. 
>just started by trying to make it move the the right. This is supposed 
>input DE as the top-left byte of the sprite, and then shift it all 1 
>over. It also has to work with grayscale ($FC00 and $CA00 layers). 
>ideas why it won't work?

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