Re: A86: Hiding Programs


Re: A86: Hiding Programs

load the name of the program to (hl), then call this:

        rst 20h         ;copy name to op1
        rst 10h         ;find it
        ld a,(hl)       ;get type byte
        cp $0c          ;is it a string?
        jr z,change     ;yes, change it
        cp $12          ;is it a program?
        jr z,change     ;yes, change it
        ret             ;no, return

change: xor $1e         ; = $0c xor $12
        ld (hl),a       ;toggle between string and prgm

or you could hardwire it to only change one way, that could make it


On Fri, 23 Apr 1999 23:16:41 EDT Nicolas P Zagorin <>
> possibly, but can I change my program form a prog to a string and 
>back in
>asm...that sounds pretty tough...
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