Re: A86: Re: Assembly


Re: A86: Re: Assembly

that's what macros are for.

from the source to dump:

#define prat(xx,yy) ld hl,xx \ ld (_penCol),hl \ ld hl,yy \ call _vputs


romdone: .db "Done",0

(btw, that's for PRint AT)

this should be built in to your assembler, use this feature at your own
convenience in your own programs.  notice that even c++ has these little


On Wed, 21 Apr 1999 16:32:50 -0400 Chris Magill <> writes:
> What I was talking about was not dumbing down asm, but instead making 
>a RAD tool for it.  For instance I know C++ but I will still use 
>Delphi for most of my programs as it is faster and easier to use.  
>There is no need
>to make something more difficult when it doesn't have to be...
>It would be alot easier to do the following...
>Dispvtxt(20,7,"My progam")
>then to do the following...
> ld bc,$0714	; do both x and y at once
> ld (_penCol),bc	; x=20,y=7
> ld hl,titlestr	; load the sideways string
> call _vputs	; output the sideways string
>.db "My Program",0
>It just simplifies the process..
>Less to type and less to remember..

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