Re: A86: Requesting Help...


Re: A86: Requesting Help...

they're in the monster
_copycharmapl                    equ            569Dh
_copycharmaps                    equ            56A1h


On Mon, 5 Apr 1999 20:07:00 -0700 "JBrett" <> writes:
>Hey Josh, what's the equate for that call?
> -
>ICQ UIN: 20607010
>AIM: BarwickBJ
>ACZ member -
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Joshua J Seagoe <>
>To: <>
>Date: Monday, April 05, 1999 4:45 PM
>Subject: Re: A86: Requesting Help...
>>_copycharmaps gets the bitmap for a char in the small font, for 
>>if you put 'A' in a and call it, you'll get this at (hl):
>>the first byte is the width of the char in pixels, the rest is the
>>bitmap, right aligned:
>>........  (.=0, #=1)
>>there is an equivalent routine, _copycharmapl, for the large font 
>>doesn't have the width byte.
>>usually you can solve things involving radicals or pi with the 
>>by taking them out and solving, then putting them back where they 
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