Re: A86: lots of text?


Re: A86: lots of text?

In a message dated 9/15/98 23:03:04 Eastern Daylight Time, BrncAvFan2@AOL.COM

> I would like to thank you very much for posting this.  I know that it could 
> be
>  useful if I knew how to utilize it (big word, ohhhhh).  What I mean is, how
>  would I apply this?  I mean, could you make me a little program that just 
> adds
>  on to this that will show this little routine actually work?  Do you see 
> what
>  I am saying?  I tried to do it myself but couldn't come up with any way for
> it
>  to work.
>  Dan

sorry for such a long wait.  computer broke down.

here's the main part:

	call _clrScrn
	ld bc,$0000
	ld (_penCol),bc		;move cursor to starting position
	ld hl,messages		;hl points to start of strings
	ld bc,$0800			;b is number of strings, c is column position
	call move_and_display		;display text

	.db "line one",0
	.db "line two",0
	.db "line three",0
	.db "line four",0
	.db "line five",0
	.db "line six",0
	.db "line seven",0
	.db "line eight",0