Re: A86: Re: moving a sprite


Re: A86: Re: moving a sprite

yea, but the code still doesn't work.  I tried it with variations of putsprite
code and other stuff, added or taken out and never got it to run in the emu.

In a message dated 9/17/98 3:34:31 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 Yes it probably should be that.  I said I wasn't sure if it should be z 
 or nz (somewhere in there I know I did).
 >From: "JBrett" <>
 >To: <>
 >Subject: A86: Re: moving a sprite
 >Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 20:46:21 -0400
 >Shouldn't it be:
 >    cp K_RIGHT
 >    jp z,move_sprite_right
 >The zero flag is set if the key if pressed, not reset.
 >I just added a TI-86 page, Check it out!!!
 >-----Original Message-----
 >From: <>
 >To: <>
 >Date: Wednesday, September 16, 1998 8:41 PM
 >Subject: A86: moving a sprite
 >>I've been working with this code for hours.  I can't see anything 
 >>it but it doesn't work.  I think, maybe, whats wrong is the get_key 
 >>K_rightand K_left aren't right maybe?  could someone PLEASE take a 
 >>this code and maybe let me know whats wrong?  Thanks a whole lot!
 >>#include "asm86.h"
 >>#include ""
 >>.org _asm_exec_ram
 >>     ld d,1
 >>     ld e,5
 >>     ld hl,Sprite
 >>     call Draw_Sprite
 >>     call GET_KEY
 >>     cp K_RIGHT
 >>     jp nz,move_sprite_right
 >>     cp K_LEFT
 >>     jp nz,move_sprite_left
 >>     jp key_loop
 >>     inc d
 >>     ld hl,Sprite
 >>     call Draw_Sprite
 >>     jp key_loop
 >>     dec d
 >>     ld hl,Sprite
 >>     call Draw_Sprite
 >>     jp key_loop
 >> ld h,63 ld a,c add a,a add a,a ld l,a add hl,hl add hl,hl ld a,b rra
 >>rra rra or l ld l,a ld a,7 and b ld d,a ld e,8 push bc
 >> retSprite:
 >> .db %00111000
 >> .db %00111000
 >> .db %00010100
 >> .db %00111111
 >> .db %01010100
 >> .db %11110000
 >> .db %00011000
 >> .db %00100100
 > >>