Re: A86: asm to HEX


Re: A86: asm to HEX

On Fri, 11 Sep 1998 20:46:19 EDT writes:
>what program do i need to do this?  I want to be able to compile 
>simple progs
>on my pc to HEX and c opy them by hand to my 86.  is this possible?  

you can assemble them (needs the source) with tasm and open the file
created with a hex editor.  if you really want to do this, i would
suggest printing it out, which i did with copy & paste.  it's a _very_
slow process.  other assemblers would work, but you have to make sure
it's not creating an 86p file.

if you have an 86p file, open it with a hex editor and start typing at 4b
and leave off the last 2 bytes of the file.

i hope that's not worded too confusingly.

if you need a hex editor, look for


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