Re: A86: help with converting


Re: A86: help with converting

that will only change _penrow.
to change them both you use hl and write to _pencol:
 ld hl,$0000
 ld (_pencol),hl

to change penrow to 15 without changing pencol:
 ld a,15
 ld (_penrow),a

however, if you use _vputs, it will change _pencol as well, so you'll
want to reset it to zero at the same time:
 ld hl,$1500		;col in low byte, row in high byte
 ld (_pencol),hl


On Mon, 31 Aug 1998 23:23:25 EDT writes:
>I have a question with (_penRow) and (_penCol).  When you have this in 
>ld a,$0000
>ld (_penRow),a
> will automatically set the penCol as well at 0.  How would I do 
>this so
>that the penCol stays as zero and the penRow is 15, 25, 35, etc.

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