Re: A86: String input again


Re: A86: String input again

On Thu, 26 Nov 1998 20:27:08 -0800 Cassady Roop <>
>This variation seems to work: 
_getkey will kill hl, otherwise very nifty.
here, i've fixed it and added a cursor:

	ld hl, string				;load address of string to store to
	ld a,(_penCol)			;save cursorpos
	ld c,a
	ld a,Lblock				;maybe Lunderscore instead?
	call _vputmap				;draw cursor
	ld a,c					;restore pos
	ld (_penCol),a

	push hl				;_getkey kills hl
	call _getkey				;get keypress
	pop hl

	cp kEnter				;enter key?
	jr z, key_done			;then we're done
	cp kExit				;exit key?
	jr z, key_quit			;if so, then quit
	cp kSpace				;is it space?
	jr z, key_space			;if it is a space
	sub $1C				;k0
	jr c, keyloop				;it's not a known key if negative
	sub $0A				;difference between (k9+1) and k0
	jr c, key_number			;if neg, assumed to be a number key
	sub $02				;difference between kCapA and (k9+1)
	jr c, keyloop				;it's not a known key if negative
	sub $1A				;difference between (kCapZ+1) and kCapA
	jr c, key_capletter			;if negative, then assume capital letter
	sub $1B				;difference between (kz+1) and (kCapZ+1)
	jr c, key_lowletter			;if neg, assume lower case letter
	jr keyloop				;must be an unknown key at this point

	ld a, Lspace				;char code for space
	ld (hl), a				;store
	inc hl					;inc string pointer
	call _vputmap				;display the key
       jr keyloop
	add a, 20+$26				;keycode-->char code
	jr key_add
	add a, 25+$42				;keycode-->char code
	jr key_add
	add a, 31+$5d				;keycode-->char code
	jr key_add
	ld hl,string				;don't leave an unterminated string
						;and clear the cursor
	ld (hl), 0				;zero-terminate string
	ld c,a					;clear cursor
	ld a,$20
	call _vputmap
	ld a,$20
	call _vputmap
	ld a,$20
	call _vputmap
	ld a,c					;return with kEnter or kExit
	ret					;quit

        .db 0

;* remove these if you don't want a cursor


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