Re: A86: Strings


Re: A86: Strings

In a message dated 11/15/98 8:29:48 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> Ok i was trying to save memory by putting a group of strings under one 
>  header so i could call a routine that would go trough and display all of 
>  the strings but when i 
>  inc hl 
>  it would move to the next char in the string not down.
>  it would look like this
>  Ti-86
>  i-86
>  How would i get it to look like this?
>  TI-86
>  asm
>  String:
>   .db "Ti-86",0
>   .db "asm",0
>  Thanx

after you call _puts, hl automatically points to the byte following the 0
so you could do this:

ld hl, String				;hl points to start of string
call _puts				;display first line
;maybe call _newline or move cursor or something...
call _puts				;display second line, which hl already points to

hope this is what you meant.