Re: A86: Re: stop


Re: A86: Re: stop

Klukan wrote:

> Dux Gregis wrote:
> >   No, $479f is a merchant call.  It's either $21a1 (1.3) or $2193
> > (1.2) in
> > the ROM.
> Can you send me some sample code on how to use all this to lock and
> unlock the memory?  I'm guessing that I set the flags and make the
> call.  How are the (sqrt)KEY and similar programs created?  Also, does
> anyone have info on _CXCURAPP?  Thanks.
> -Jeremy

  _CXCURAPP = $c1b4

It is one byte long and can be (hex):
01 for the home screen
02 for the polynomial solver
03 for the simultaneous equation solver
05 for the constant editor
06 for the vector editor
07 for the matrix editor
08 for the program editor
0c for the interpolate/extrapolate editor
0e for the list/stat editor
12 for tolerance
19 for the table
1a for table setup
1b for link
1d for reset mem prompt
1e for reset defaults prompt
1f for reset all prompt
20 for RAM
21 for mode/self test
23 for delete variables
49 for the function editor
4a for the window editor
4c for the graph
53 initial conditions
54 axes something
62 for format
96 for cat/var
98 for an error message

I'm sure there are alot more.  The application's ROM page can be found at

Follow-Ups: References: