Re: A86: key lock question...


Re: A86: key lock question...

Kyle Anderson wrote:

> -About the thing that locks up the catalog, i said it locked up the
> [2nd][Custom] feature, not the custom menu, so fix that in your heads.
> -And about dissassembling, I use decomp86, and when i dissassemble it,
> i
> get all the calls in the prog, hex, and i have to convert manually but
> the decomp leaves out stuff, is that supposed to happen?  Also, what
> does everyone use to dissassemble and when you do that, do you get the
> pure asm as if you were writing it, or do you get hex and then have to
> convert and figure out all of the calls?

I use DASM (originally for the 85).  Just rename the 86 stuff (.86p) to
85-string (.85s) and run DASM.  It works well and produces much better
code than Decomp86.  It does a nice job with the ROM as well.  Just
rename the .ROM file to .85s and do the same as before.


PS:  The ROM is quite large--over 200 pages with standard formatting.  I
printed it on 135 with 'optimized' formatting.
