Re: A86: question


Re: A86: question

At 05:37 PM 3/7/97 +0100, you wrote:
>I wan't to make a prog that shutdown the calc, and each time you turn it
>on, make some code and shut down again, can someone help me ??? (i got a
>source "StartOn", but it doesn't seem to work)
The call to shut down the calc is $4101. There's a user routine that gets
called when the calc turns on, it works just like the user interrupt
routine. I don't feel like explaining it here, check my web page
<> for details of how to do this.

The shutdown call ($4101) is kind of slow. If you want to shut off the calc
faster, the code is:

   ld a,1
   out (3),a
   res shift2nd,(iy+shiftflags)
   res onRunning,(iy+onflags)
label: halt
    jr label

hope this is helpful...

