Re: A86: Question...


Re: A86: Question...

Yes you can, but not the way you described.  Here's some sample code:

ld hl,Flags

ld a,0
ld (hl),a			;Sets all bits to 0

ld a,255
ld (hl),a			;Sets all bits to 1

set n,(hl)			;Sets the nth bit to one.  n = 0 to 7

res n,(hl)			;Sets the nth bit to zero.

bit n,(hl)
jr z,somewhere		;If the nth bit = 0, then jump

bit n,(hl)
jr nz,somewhere		;If the nth bit = 1, then jump

Flags:	.db	0	;You only need one byte for 8 bits of

Andy Johnson
"Change is inevitable...
     except from vending machines"

On Thu, 05 Mar 1998 20:06:49 -0500 "A. El-Helw"
<> writes:
>Hello Everyone,
>	I am going to start a new project [actually, I have already :] 
> and I have
>a question... suppose I wanted to store 8 numbers [either 1 or 0] in a
>variable.. could I do this?


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