A86: Re: FindPixel Routine


A86: Re: FindPixel Routine

>The Pebble Chop Pebble Pebble Pebble Chop Chop Fast Find Pixel Routine:
>I thought of this routine on the bus, can some1 please check it for
accuracy +

It only takes a few moments to check it out yourself... BTW, Where is the
part where Y is multiplied by 16?

>rr a does this, right?:
>and rrc does this, right?:
>If i'm wrong on those two then swap them around in my routine, k? i
>find very good help.
>rr d
>rr d
>rr d
>ld h,d
>ld a,e
>and 1
>add a,h
>ld h,a
>rr e
>ld a,e
>add a,$FC
>ld l,a
>ld a,128
>ld c,a
>ld a,d
>and 7
>cp 0
>jr z,RLoopEnd
>rr c
>dec a
>fr RLoop
>ld a,c