A86: Rascall 83 emulation


A86: Rascall 83 emulation

        I was visiting one of your websites and came across something
interesting.  It led me to believe that there would be 83 emulation in the
new version of rascall.  I went to
http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Pines/5027/tiprog.html and scrolled
all the way down to the bottom of the news and found a couple of locations
you could go like ASE85, ASE82, Rascall85, and Rascall8?.  The others lead
to archives containing their respective calculator programs, but the last
one didn't work yet.  I always leave my mouse on the thing I'm going to
click and see if any messages pop up.  When I did so over the Rascall8? I
found that my browser displayed the address
http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Pines/5027/83rasc.html  the others
did the same except with their number.  So although it is no
uncontrovertible proof, I think it is pretty substantial.