Re: A86: GrayScale PutSprite


Re: A86: GrayScale PutSprite

ld ix,sprite
ld bc,$0808
call PutSprite

8x8 sprites, i presume with the MSB first and the LSB in the second 8x8
B&W sprite.

>  ld hl, sprite            ; ix should be the location?
>  ld i, h                      ;
>  ld x, l                       ;
>  ld a, 8                     ;
>  ld b, a                     ; load 8 into b for x coord
>  ld c, a                     ; load 8 into c for y coord
>  call PutSprite        ; display it
> how do you store the grayscale pics? what include files do you need?


=                                   =
=   Kirk Meyer (   =
= =
=  =
=                                   =
=   "Set your affection on things   =
=    above, not on things on the    =
=      earth."  Colossians 3:2      =
=                                   =
