Re: A86: LineOff function


Re: A86: LineOff function

In a message dated 98-01-11 18:46:02 EST, you write:

<< You all might as well know I have made major progress in finding all sorts
of special "things" TI put in the 86 ROM.  One, used by the Financial and
Statistics expansion packages, allows for addition of menu items and commands.
I have not quite worked all of the bugs out of this yet.  However, when I do,
I will write a graphics expansion pack for you, including the LineOff routine,
and also allowing direct access to the video memory (way cool). >>

yeah, things like adding stuff "under" the custom menu.  l once ran an
assembly program the wrong way a long time ago and the third slot of the
custom menu had one of those Greek symbols (looked like an "o" with a line
down the center).  when l pressed on it, the submenu for one of the conversion
menus popped up, pushing the custom menu up a row.