Re: A86: APD


Re: A86: APD

Trent Lillehaugen wrote:

> > A while back someone asked for the ROM call to the APD (so that the
> > calculator returns to where it left off after it's turned back on).
> > Well, this may be a bit of a hack, and I can't try it myself because my
> > link broke:
> > Since APD timer is located at $c00a, if we load this byte with 0 it
> > would be the same as if the timer ran out.  This alone won't do
> > anything, though, because the APD timer isn't checked while assembly is
> > running.  But, if you follow that by call _getkey, it should turn off
> > the calc.
> Damn, pretty close..  I tried it and it worked when I set the counter to 1.

