Re: A86: .86s to my calc?


Re: A86: .86s to my calc?

Yeah, I think I tried that before, but my computer is stupid, and I don't
think it worked.  It is a good idea, but just renaming the file makes it
easier to put back on your calc, so instead of searching for *.86* and *.85*,
you can search once for *.86* and get all the files you need.  I do admit that
there is a down side, that it can be hard to tell the 85 programs from the 86.
I think both meathods work equally well, it's just preference.

<< Or you can just select "*.85s" and send the .85s file.  It works the

 <<On Thu, 3 Dec 1998 wrote:
 > yeah, rename the file .86s