Re: Re: A86: TextShadowing and other Questions


Re: Re: A86: TextShadowing and other Questions

What else to I need to change to make this write my program back?

In a message dated 8/29/98 9:51:27 PM, you wrote:

<<The $12 stands for the type, $12 means that it is a program.
the 7 stands for the length of the name.

- Ben

On Fri, 28 Aug 1998 19:26:51 EDT writes:
>In a message dated 8/28/98 5:05:19 PM Central Daylight Time, 
><< Email me if
> you want the code to do it, I don't have it with me at the moment.  
>Look at
> the ZTetris source code for an example on this. >>
>OK, I checked the source and found this, but how do I know what 
>prefixes to
>pur before "ztetris" at ProgName?
>Quit:		       ; Quits the program
> ld hl,ProgName        ; All this stuff is to make sure the hiscore 
> rst 20h	       ; and resume stuff are stored in the variable
> rst 10h
> ex de,hl	       ; HL -> start of variable
> ld a,b
> ld de,Resume-$D748+4  ; DE = relative offset to stuff to store (-4)
> add hl,de
> adc a,0	       ; Next block if necessary
> ld de,Resume	       ; DE = start of bytes to copy
> ld b,156	       ; 156 bytes to copy
> push af
> push hl
> call $46C3
> ld a,(de)	       ; Read
> ld (hl),a	       ; And save it in the real variable
> pop hl
> pop af
> call $4637
> inc de
> djnz RepCopy
> .db $12,7,"ztetris"