Re: A86: TextShadowing and other Questions


Re: A86: TextShadowing and other Questions

-----Original Message-----
From: David Phillips <>
To: <>
Date: Friday, August 28, 1998 6:04 PM
Subject: Re: A86: TextShadowing and other Questions

>BTW, please know what you are talking about before you reply.  It only
>confuses people when you guess something because you don't know yourself.

   Who is this directed at????  Because I know what I am talking about.

>>I have seen _TextShadow in many games and i have heard lots of people talk
>>about it... could someone please tell me what it is and does.  Also I know
>>that this is a general question, but what are the disadvantages/advantages
>>for not allowing interupts in a program: di.  Thanks
>>TI86 Basic Programming Center
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: JBrett <>
>>To: ASM86 Mailing List <>
>>Date: Friday, August 28, 1998 4:14 AM
>>Subject: Re: A86: Variables...
>>>I hope this will help:
>>>Using _textshadow would be better.
>>>You can use something like :
>>>score equ _textshadow+ (whatever number you want)
>>>HiScoretemp equ _textshadow+ (another value)
>>>    .dw (whatever the preset hiscore is)
>>>    .db "GFX",0
>>>I just added a TI-86 page, Check it out!!!
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: <>
>>>To: <>
>>>Date: Thursday, August 27, 1998 9:37 PM
>>>Subject: Re: A86: Variables...
>>>>In a message dated 98-08-27 21:19:11 EDT, you write:
>>>><< In my program, I use this to store initials:
>>>> HiInitials:
>>>> .db $47,$46,$58
>>>> (Initials: GFX)
>>>> Then if you get a hi score, you input your initials with a routine i
>>>> and then it stores the new numbers into the  .db   thing.  When you go
>>>> high score thing it loads hl with the first intial, and displays all
>>>> correctly.  When I quit the program and run it again, the initials are
>>>> back to GFX...   I know i didn't reset them each time it is run.
>>>> Does anyone know why this would happen?
>>>> The same thing happens with a high score, it is set, but when the
>>>> closed and opened again, it is set back to zero..
>>>>  >>
>>>>I think it always rests the hi score name because you have the HiNitial
>>>>bak to "GFX" all the time.  Try changing it to this and see if it works.
>>>> HiInitials:
>>>> .db $00
>>>>I can't garuantee that will work but its worth a shot if you haven't
>>>>that already.
>David Phillips
>ICQ: 13811951
>AOL/AIM: Electrum32
I just added a TI-86 page, Check it out!!!