Re: A86: Sprite hits sprite


Re: A86: Sprite hits sprite

At 06:40 PM 8/20/98 EDT, you wrote:
>What would I put in my program to make it so that one sprite hits another one
>and adds to the score?  I know how to do the score part but the sprite
>the other sprite part is unknown to me.  I have this:

You have to compute the distance between the two sprites.  Read the code
below and understand it.  This kind of stuff is important, because it
teaches how to do logic in assembly:

; check for collision between two 8x8 sprites
; input:  BC = 1st X,Y coords   DE = 2nd X,Y coords
 ld a,h		; load 1st X coord
 sub d			; get distance from 2nd X coord
 jr nc,SkipCarryX	; is the distance negative?
 neg			; if so, we need the abs value
 cp 8			; subtract 8
 jr nc,NoHit		; if  positive, it was more than 8, no hit
 ld a,l		; load 1st Y coord
 sub e			; get distance from 2nd Y coord
 jr nc,SkipCaryY	; is the distance negative?
 neg			; yep, we need the abs of it
 cp 8			; subtract 8 again
 jr nc,NoHit		; if positive, no hit
 ret			; if we are here, they hit
 ret			; if we are here, they didn't hit

>Also, how do I display the value of a, for example, to the screen.  Something
>to the effect of Outpt(1,1,a)

; Display3dNum:	Display a 3-digit number that is in A
; routine by Matt Johnson (from Metroid)
 ld h, 0
 ld l, a
 add a, 48		; 48 is the start of character '0' (zero)
 ld c, a		; Save 3rd digit
 add a, 48
 ld b, a		; Save 2nd digit
 call UNPACK_HL	
 add a, 48		; A =  1st digit
 call _vputmap		; Display 1st digit
 ld a, b
 call _vputmap		; Display 2nd digit
 ld a, c
 call _vputmap 		; Display 3rd digit

David Phillips
ICQ: 13811951
AOL/AIM: Electrum32
