re: A86: Launch Pad stuff


re: A86: Launch Pad stuff

I messed up. Just load the name of the program into Op1
and jump to _exec_assembly, it will load and execute
the program.


Original text

From: Chicane <>, on 8/17/98 2:12 PM:

I dont know what the problem is, but this program jacks of the calc royaly.
If you can tell me what is wron, i would appreciate it.

I put in the stuff you told me to, but there must be a problem with how i
am moving the program to asm exec ram.
can you take a look and see if you can figure out what it is?

#include "asm86.h"
#include ""

_alt_on_chksum		equ		$d48f
_alt_on_exec		equ		$d490
_pputawayprompt		equ		$40B5
apdwarmstart 		equ		4
apdflags 			equ		8
_load_ram_ahl   	equ    	$462F
iall				equ		$0B

.org _asm_exec_ram
	ld hl,alt_on
	ld de,_alt_on_exec
	ld bc,alt_on_end-alt_on
	ld a,(_alt_on_exec)
	ld hl,_alt_on_chksum+($28*1)
	add a,(hl)
	ld hl,_alt_on_chksum+($28*2)
	add a,(hl)
	ld hl,_alt_on_chksum+($28*3)
	add a,(hl)
	ld hl,_alt_on_chksum+($28*4)
	add a,(hl)
	ld hl,_alt_on_chksum+($28*5)
	add a,(hl)
	ld (_alt_on_chksum),a
	set 3,(iy+$23)


    bit     apdwarmstart,(iy+apdflags)  ; from apd ?
    ret     nz                          ; yes no script running
    call    _pputawayprompt             ; put home screen edit away
    call    _clrLCD                     ; clear the display only
    ld      a,iall
    out     (3),a              ; interrupts on, lcd on

	ld		hl,Launcher			;load the name into hl
	rst		20h					;move it to op1
	rst		10h					;findsym it
	ld		a,b					;load the
pointer from bde to ahl 
	ex		de,hl				;
	call	_load_ram_ahl		;switch 2 the corect ram page
	ld		b,h					;load the
length into bc
	ld		c,l
	ld		de,_asm_exec_ram	;de=destination
	inc		hl					;incriment hl
past the size to the data
	inc		hl
	ldir						;move it all to
	jp		_asm_exec_ram + 2	;jump there.

	.db	$12,$08,"launcher",0	;the program name.



ICQ: #14727618
chicane on EFNET #ti
Homepage: Under Construction.

