Re: A86: Launch Pad stuff


Re: A86: Launch Pad stuff

At 07:47 PM 8/15/98 -0600, you wrote:
>read the other note! you CANNOT execute any programs from _alt_on_exec!
>i tried! i tried about 10 ways! it DOESN'T work! look at the byron
>source to learn how to clean up yer source code btw...

Sorry, i wrote the last email before i checked for new mail. I didn't know
you had already replied to it.

For what Mini-Shell is, the source is fine. It was not released as a shell
really, but an example of how to use program detection, and some of the
other nifty calculator features. I am already hard at work on my real shell
project, OS-86.  Actually, its not a full OS, or just a shell, but a hybrid
of the two.  It will include manipulation of all variable types, as well as
several other features not included in any current shell.
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