Re: A86: Simple TI-85 Question


Re: A86: Simple TI-85 Question

if you want speed, don't go for rom routines.  using page $d adds 10/27

the bit mask (fp bits, at $24e8 in 1.2) is used in a routine that finds a
$4967 find a bit in _FORMULA_BITMAP
$496B find a bit in (hl)
a = bit #
a = mask
(hl) = byte

this is not a findpixel routine.

the mask isn't used anywhere else on page 0


On Mon, 10 Aug 1998 12:14:45 -0600 Dux Gregis <>
>Somewhere on page 0.  I found it while searching for the FP bits.  The 
>FP bits
>are there, but backwards from the FindPixel routine.  _plotSScreen 
>isn't at a
>nice number like $fc00, I didn't look too closely at the routine.
>David Phillips wrote:
>> Really, where?  More importantly, is it faster than modifying CLEM's 
>> _plotSScreen?
>> >> And.. has anyone
>> >> found a rom page $D equivalent for Findpixel rom call for the 86? 
>I never
>> >> heard..
>> >
>> >There's a find pixel routine for _plotSScreen
>> >
>> --
>> David Phillips
>> ICQ: 13811951
>> AOL/AIM: electrum32

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