Re: A86: Sorry Dux. =-|


Re: A86: Sorry Dux. =-|

>Joshua J Seagoe wrote:
>> oh, picky, picky.  sure it works, you just have to put the number in 
>> backwards...

wait, could you do it backwards?  would this work?  this would make the
main loop smaller.

	xor a		;clear stuff
	ld h,a
	ld l,a
	cp b
	ret z		;return with hl=0 if b=0
preshift:		;first shift until we get the high bit
	sla b		;we're gonna do it backwards!
	jr nc,preshift
	add hl,de	;found the high bit
	sla b		;remember, backwards!
	jr nc, skipadd	;from the african swallow
	add hl,de
	add hl,hl
	ret z		;this could be wrong...
	jr mainloop


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