Re: A86: Reading Level Maps (I HAVE BEEN WONDERING...)


Re: A86: Reading Level Maps (I HAVE BEEN WONDERING...)

Mike Young wrote:
> >Level_1:
> >.db %00111100,%11000011
> I have been wondering about doing these levels via stored bits...
>         ld hl, Level_1
>         ld a, (hl)                        ; this should put %00111100 in
> a right?


> I think that I understand how to check bits,

Use "bit 3, a" to check bit 3 of the a register, if set then zero flag is set
otherwise reset.

> but to read the next 8 bits do I increment (hl)?

You do this:  inc hl

> If so how many times?  Once (as in a byte) or eight
> times (for each bit)?

Once (as in a byte) because:
1) 8bits = 1 byte
2) 1 byte per address

> I have close to no experence with this kind of data storage.

Yer pretty new aren't'cha.  I haven't seen your name much.  Well that's
just fine if your are.  I was on this list for 4 months before I posted
my first message.  Ask questions that's what we're here for.

> Up until now I just used temp variables.  I guess that it's time to learn.

Whenever you've got the spare time.

Tercero	 --  Email:

"The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone;"
			--Psalms 118:22
"Everyone who falls on that stone will be broken to pieces,
but he on whom it falls will be crushed."
			--Luke 20:18
