Re: A86: Fractions and


Re: A86: Fractions and

> How can I get a fraction, let say 1/5 into hl or op1?
> Thanks.
>                                                         -Ahmed

You could store it in one of the following ways in hl:

1) H = 1 (one, looks like an L), L = 5
2) L = $15 ... 1 in the upper nibble, 5 in the lower nibble
3) 256 * 1/5 -> 51.2 ... 52 -> L
4) 1/5 = .2 ... 2 -> L

As for OP1, check on Matt's site for a file describing the
details of OP storage and BCD.  I try to stay away from OPs
though... too confusing.
Tercero	 --  Email:

"The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone;"
			--Psalms 118:22
"Everyone who falls on that stone will be broken to pieces,
but he on whom it falls will be crushed."
			--Luke 20:18

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