Re: A86: Xebexsou source


Re: A86: Xebexsou source

I know, but I was wondering why $8000.  Why not $7000 or $9000?  My RAM
Layout doc shows $8000 as being the start of "Swapped Ram Page".  Is this
why?  If so, is it possible to use any address in the "Swapped Ram Page"?

Whew. Thats alot of questions :)

																			Ricci Adams

At 06:03 PM 4/14/98 -0300, you wrote:
>Ricci E. Adams wrote:
>> I was looking at your souce code you posted to the newsgroup and I noticed
>> you had a double-buffer set up in $8000-$83FF.  I was wondering why you
>> chose this address as your double-buffer.
>i did that so the screen would not show itself updating
                                               Ricci Adams
>> I have no idea why it is slowing down.  Im just starting with ASM :)
