A86: questions


A86: questions

(I know there a lot of question, but u said u're here to help newbies...
and I'm still a newbie)

I've look at the source of Kshell, and I have some question :
why do u add 1546 with the size of you're prog ?
	ld hl,code_end-code+$60a

the call that pop OP1 ($479f), does it pop OP1 to af ? ah ?

what is _asm_reg_a, why do we call it at the end of [sqr]KEY ?

what's $C210 and $C21C ??

can u explain why do u add 2 to ahl (call $4c3f) before copy the code to
[sqr]KEY, the adresse given by _createprog is wrong ?

what is ($c21c), the ptr to the ptr of the current menu ??? I don't
understand ? Is it still valid if I call $49dc ??

what are that :
current_basic	=	$
current_asm	=	$ + $02
counter_basic	=	$ + $04
counter_asm	=	$ + $05

basic_table	=	$ + $06
asm_table		=	$ + $88

prog_titles		=	$ + $10A

what does it mean when u do :
something = $ +something_else
.db stuff
.db stuff

