Re: A86: graphlink protocol


Re: A86: graphlink protocol

On Fri, 12 Sep 1997, Joseph Gaffney wrote:

> At 10:10 PM 9/12/97 -0400, Butler Family wrote:
> >can someone give me some info on the graphlink protocol sending and
> >recieving and how the .86* files are saved
> >thanx
> >Patrick
> >
> I do believe it is simply RS232 protocol, the PIC in the GL changes it.

The GraphLink is I2C (eye-squared-see) on the calc end and RS232 on the
computer end.  I've attached a file Per Finander cooked up back in the
good old days of TI-85 hacking.

Dan Eble (
Date: 12-14-94 (13:36)  *           Number: 4848 of 4865 (Refer# NONE)



Subj: Calc-TI - TI85/TI82 Link protocol

Message-ID: <>

TI85/TI82 link-protocol


The linkinterface uses 2 outputs (RTS/DTR) and 2 inputs (CTS/DSR) on the

serial port to communicate with the TI85/TI82. The bits CTS/DSR can be

read from port $3F8+6, bit 4 (CTS) and bit 5 (DSR). The bits RTS/DTR is

controlled from port $3F8+4, bit 0 (DTR) and bit 1 (RTS). $3F8 is the port-

address for COM1: (or $2F8 if COM2: is used).

I've included 5 routines in Pascal to show how to send/receive bytes to/from

the TI85/TI82. These routines are not optimized and doesn't contain any

timeout check. The constant "PortAddr" contains the base-port address to the

com-port. PortAddr=$3F8 if the link-interface is in COM1: or $2F8 if COM2: is

used. The "InitPort" procedure must be called as fast as possible, because

if CTS & DSR isn't set, then the calculator will slow down when the link

is connected.

All data is sent in packages. A packet looks like this:

ID From: $85=TI85 ($82=TI82), $05 (Computer communicating with TI85) /

|                             $02 (Computer communicating with TI82)


|   Command:  $06 : Variable-header (used to initiate a variabletransmission)

|   |         $15 : Data part (the datapart of a variable)

|   |         $36 : Answer skip/abort

|   |         $56 : Package received OK (used to acknowledge a package)

|   |         $92 : No more variables to send (used to end a transmission)

|   |         $6D : Send screendump

|   |                                      Low byte

|   |   Data word / Size of DataPart       |  High byte

|   |   |     Data zero or more bytes      |  |

|-- |-- |---- |-----------------           |- |-

$85 $56 00 00 [DataPart:00 .. 00 Checksum: 00 00]

Checksum=(Sum of all bytes in the datapart) and 65535

A transmission can look like this:

a variable: ABC:REAL=3.1415... (PI) from TI85 to computer (all values in hex)

          ID $85=TI85 (byte, $82 for a TI82)

          |  Command (byte): Var-header

          |  |  Packet length (word, 4+NameLength for a Var-header)

          |  |  |

          |  |  |     ------Datapart------

          |  |  |     Variable length (word)

          |  |  |     |     Type (byte 0=Real number)

          |  |  |     |     |  Name Length (byte)

          |  |  |     |     |  |  Name

          |  |  |     |     |  |  |        Checksum,(0A+03+41+42+43) and FFFF

          |- |- |---- |---- |- |- |------- |----

TI85:     85 06 07 00 0A 00 00 03 41 42 43 D3 00

COMPUTER:                                        05 56 00 00

                                                 |- |- |----

                                                 |  |  No packet

                                                 |  Command: Received OK

                                                 ID $05 = Computer <=> TI85

                                                    ($02 = Computer <=> TI82)

                         Received OK

                         |           Command: Data part

                         |           |  Packet length: 10 bytes for a REAL

                         |           |  |     Data (PI)

                         |-          |- |---- |----------------------------

TI85:                 85 56 00 00 85 15 0A 00 00 00 FC 31 41 59 26 53 58 98

COMPUTER: 05 09 00 00

             |- |----

             |  No packet

             Command: Ready to receive data part

          Checksum             Command: No more variables

          |                    |  10 bytes data was sent

          |----                |- |----

TI85:     30 03             85 92 0A 00             "Done..."

COMPUTER:       05 56 00 00             05 56 00 00 END

                   |-                      |-

                   Received OK             Received OK

If a TI82 is used instead of a TI85, the Var-header command changes:

1. The "Type" byte - TI82/TI85 have different variable types

2. The "Name length" byte - don't exists for the TI82. The name is Zero-


Example: the variable ABC on a TI82 (header command):

82 06 07 00 0A 00 00 41 42 43 00 D0 00

                     |------- |-

                     Name     Zero - terminates the string

After a Var-header have been sent, then the calculator (or computer) waits

for a "Received OK"-command and an answer. The answer can be one of the

following (the computer sends, TI85 receives and answers) :

85 09 07 00          : Continue (header-datalength: 7 bytes)

85 5A 07 00          : Checksum error, send last package again

The two following answers can occur if the variable already exists in memory:

85 36 01 00 02 02 00 : Variable skipped ("Skip" was pressed)

85 36 01 00 01 01 00 : Variable refused ("Exit" was pressed)

If more than one variable is send, then a "Var-header" command when the

reciever (calculator or computer),have acknowledged the datapackage instead

of a "No more variables"-command.

The "Type"-byte (for a TI85) can have one of the following values (hex):

00    Real

01    Cplx

02    Vectr  03  Vectr complex

04    List   05  List  complex

06    Matrx  07  Matrx complex

08    Const  09  Const complex

0A    Equ

0B    Range

0C    Strng

0D-10 GDB

11    Pict

12    Prgm

13    Range

14    ?

15-1B Range

I'm not sure everything's alright about the TI82 because I just borrowed one

for a weekend. But if anyone can figure out more about the TI82 and the

CBL-format (for both TI82 & TI85), send me a note.


The "Send screendump" command can be sent to the TI85/TI82 to download

a screendump to the computer. The TI85/TI82 will send a "Received Ok"-command

and the a datapackage of 1024 bytes. The datapackage is a copy of the

memoryarea $FC00-FFFF (the screen). This works almost anytime (it's not

necessary the calculator is in the LINK-menu), but it won't work when a

program is running (except if the program is waiting for a key).

****** Procedure to set/reset RTS/DTR:

 procedure SetPort(Bits:Byte);

 { Input: "Bits", a byte 0 - 3, bit 0 = DTR, bit 1 = RTS }


   Port[PortAddr+4]:=Bits and 3;


****** Function to read CTS/DSR:

 function  GetPort:Byte;

 { Returns a byte 0 - 3, bit 0 = CTS, bit 1 = DSR }

 { if GetPort returns 0, then the calculator have noticed a timeout }


   GetPort:=(Port[PortAddr+6] and 48) div 16;

   { if KeyPressed then HALT(1); }

   { Add the line above if you don't add a timeout-check somewhere else. }

   { The program will probably hang in "GetPort" when the calculator     }

   { causes a Timeout }


****** To send a byte to the TI85/TI82:

 procedure Send(B:Byte);

 { Sends the byte B to the calculator }




   { Send the bits from bit 0 -> bit 7 }


   for BitLoop:=0 to 7 do begin

       { Wait for calculator to be ready to recieve a bit }

       { RTS and DTR must be set }

     while GetPort<>3 do;

     if (B and 1)=0 then begin

          { Send 0 : DTR=1, DSR=0 }


          { Wait for calculator to set RTS=1 }

        while (GetPort and 2)=2 do;

          { CTS=1, DSR=1 }


          { Wait for calculator to set RTS=0 }

        while (GetPort and 2)=0 do;

     end else begin

          { Send 1 : CTS=0, DSR=1 }


          { Wait for calculator to set DTR=1 }

        while (GetPort and 1)=1 do;

          { CTS=1, DSR=1 }


          { Wait for calculator to set DTR=0 }

        while (GetPort and 1)=0 do;


     B:=B div 2;



****** To recieve a byte from the TI85/TI82:

 function Receive:Byte;

 { Recieves a byte from calculator }






   { Recieve bit 0 first }


   for BitLoop:=0 to 7 do begin

       { Wait for the calculator to send a bit }

     while GetPort=3 do;

       { Check it the calculator sends a 1 or 0 }

     if GetPort=1 then begin

        { 1 }

        B:=B or CurrentBit;

          { CTS=1, DSR=0 }


          { Wait while RTS=0 }

        while (GetPort and 2)=0 do;

     end else begin

        { 0 }

          { CTS=0, DSR=1 }


          { Wait while DTR=0 }

        while (GetPort and 1)=0 do;


       { CTS=1, DSR=1 }


       { Wait for calculator to set RTS & DTR }

     while GetPort<>3 do;





****** Initiates the com-port (MUST be called before anything else)

 procedure InitPort;









      { Set CTS & DSR }




Per Finander
