Re: A86: System routines


Re: A86: System routines

> _clrLCD        equ     4A7Eh

clear screen and textmem

> _clrScrn       equ     4A82h

clear screen

> _putmap        equ     4A27h

it puts something on in fixed width, but im not sure what else

> _putc          equ     4A2Bh

puts a character (stored in a) on the screen in fixed width font

> _puts          equ     4A37h

puts a string (stored in hl) on the screen in fixed width font

> _putps         equ     4A3Bh

same as above but something else i dont know??

> _vputmap       equ     4AA1h

puts something on in little font, i dunno??

> _vputs         equ     4AA5h

puts a string (stored in hl) on in little font

> _vputsn        equ     4AA9h
> _GRBUFCPY      equ     4E39h

copies the graph buffer to i think hl

> _ILine         equ     4E51h

draws a line from b,c to d,e with h being 0=off, 1=on

> _IPoint        equ     4E59h

puts a point on at b,c h being 0=off, 1=on

> _PDspGrph      equ     4D6Fh

displays the graph screen

> _CLine         equ     51E9h

clears a line

> _getkey        equ     55AAh

returns a keypress in a

> _RANDOM        equ     55DAh

generates a random number in OP1

> _newline       equ     4A5Fh


> _runindicoff   equ     4AB1h

turns the run indicator off

> _runindicon    equ     4AADh

turns it back on

> _CONVOP1       equ     5577h

stores hl in OP1
