A86: Re: Done some z80 work intrested in ti86, had some questions maby s


A86: Re: Done some z80 work intrested in ti86, had some questions maby someone could answer...

-----Original Message-----
From: Gen_Witt@aloradus.com <Gen_Witt@aloradus.com>
To: assembly-86@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-86@lists.ticalc.org>
Cc: Gen_Witt@aloradus.com <Gen_Witt@aloradus.com>
Date: Tuesday, December 30, 1997 2:35 AM
Subject: A86: Done some z80 work intrested in ti86, had some questions maby
someone could answer...

>* Why do we need a shell for the 86?  A shell for the 85 is
>understandable because you need it in order to "break" (for lack of
>better words) into the processor.  On the 86 and I belive the 83 it is
>not nessicary the calculator itself gives you asm accsess, so why is
>everyone interested in building a roubust shell that no one needs.  A

thats like asking how come pc users need Windows, because its easier to use
than dos and it looks better and *maybe* the shells could become