A86: Memory Locations/Info


A86: Memory Locations/Info


     I am currently working on an emulator for the TI-8x calculators.  
Right now, I am working on the 86 emulation portion since I have a set of 
86 ROMs to use.  I am looking for any kind of information on the 86 that 
could be forwarded to me.  I am also interested in compiling a memory map 
of some sort that could be used.  Some of the things that would be good 
to put into it would be the flags (iy+??) and general information on the 
VAT and other locations of interest.  Also, can someone tell me the 
location of the character set in the ROM?  I'm pretty sure it's in page 
0, I just don't know the format and the exact location.



Maintainer of the TI-8x Emulation Project: