A86: Re:


A86: Re:

Please look below for fixes

-----Original Message-----
From: Bryan Weinstein <weinstb@juno.com>
To: assembly-86@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-86@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: Friday, December 12, 1997 7:31 PM

>I am trying to create my first assembly program, but when I try to
>compile it using tasm I get a bunch of errors.  If someone can tell me
>what I am doing wrong, I would greatly appreciate it.  By the way, the
>program is at the bottom of the letter.
>asse2.txt line 0034: label value misalligned.           (JR)
>asse2.txt line 0034: unrecognized instruction.          (JR)
>asse2.txt line 0037: Label not found: (call)
>asse2.txt line 0037: label value misalligned.           (call)
>asse2.txt line 0037: unrecognized directive.            (call)
>asse2.txt line 0038: Label not found: (ld)
>asse2.txt line 0038: label value misalligned.           (ld)
>asse2.txt line 0038: unrecognized instruction.          (ld)
>asse2.txt line 0039: Label not found: (ld)
>asse2.txt line 0039: label value misalligned.           (ld)
>asse2.txt line 0039: unrecognized directive.            (ld)
>asse2.txt line 0040: Label not found: (ld)
>asse2.txt line 0040: label value misalligned.           (ld)
>asse2.txt line 0040: unrecognized instruction.          (ld)
>asse2.txt line 0041: Label not found: (call)
>asse2.txt line 0041: label value misalligned.           (call)
>asse2.txt line 0041: unrecognized directive.            (call)
>asse2.txt line 0042: Label not found: (jr)
>asse2.txt line 0042: label value misalligned.           (jr)
>asse2.txt line 0042: unrecognized instruction.          (jr)
>asse2.txt line 0053: No END directive before EOF.
>tasm: pass 2 complete.
>tasm: Number of errors = 79
>.include "ti-86.h"
>.org $D748
>call     _clrLCD
>call _getkey     ;All commands have to have 1 space or more, Labels have
now spaces.  This is the reason for all your errors.  please check the
bottom of the email for more info.
>cp kMode
>jr Equal            ;This needs to be jr z,Equal  z indicates on zero goto
>cp kMem
>jr Equal            ;Same things as abovel
>cp kPrgm
>jr Equal            ;Same as above
>cp kCustom
>jr Equa            ;Same as abovel
>cp kLinkIO
>jr Equal            Same as above
>cp kUp
>jr End
>call     _clrLCD
>ld       hl,0
>ld       ($c00f),hl
>ld       hl,title_message1
>call     _puts
>JR GetLoop
>call     _clrLCD
>ld       hl,0
>ld       ($c00f),hl
>ld       hl,title_message2
>call     _puts
>jr end2
>         .db      "----------------------------"
>         .db      "|Permission Denied|"
>         .db      "----------------------------",0
>         .db      "---------------"
>         .db      "|Good Bye|"
>         .db      "---------------",0
    ret            ;you need to have a return to have it exit the program

Format of asm program

.org    ;(orgin, for 86 it is asm_exec_mem or $D748) needs to be on left

Labels:        ;Labels need to be on left margin,
    ld                ; any command can not be on the left margin.
    ret                ;Return from program/call or else the calc will keep
running commands after the program

.end            ;End of file,  needs to be on left margin
                    ;A extra line is usualy required for it to work right
after the .end