A86: 85 to 86 asm converter


A86: 85 to 86 asm converter

	There has been a lot of talk about a converter for 85 to 86 asm 
programs on this list and many others. Yes you could change all the 
adresses, but to my understanding it is not possable to make such a 
converter due to diffreneces in how the asm works. Heres and example of 
what I'm talking about (this is not real asm funtions it just makes my 
point clear). Lets say in order to add 2 numbers in 85 asm you have load 
your number into DE its added to B then stored in A. On the 86 it may be 
 that you have to load your number to HL then its added to DE then stored 
to A. A converter would not be able to figure out which register the 
programer wanted in where. Code would have to be ajusted. It would take a 
human to figure out the code line by line and figure out what the 
programmer ment in every instance. It really makes a converter 