A85: SEARCH_VAT --> I DO NEED HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


A85: SEARCH_VAT --> I DO NEED HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello Communoty;

I asm programmer(but on Smallc 41) & I need to use the SEARCH_VAT function

#include "usgard.h"
.org 0
.db "tst",0

        ld      hl,0
	ld      (CURSOR_ROW),hl

        ld      hl,VAT_START


        ld      a,$0C
        call    SEARCH_VAT
        jr      c,typenotf

        push    hl
         ld     hl,&VATName
         call   D_ZT_STR
        pop     hl

        jr      Search_loop

        ld      hl,6
	ld      (CURSOR_ROW),hl
        ld      hl,&nomsg
        call    D_ZT_STR

        call    OTH_PAUSE

.db "rien",0


It has worked BUT it doesn't any more...............
I don't understand & I'm going to be sick of that......
If someone could help me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!