A85: The code you needed


A85: The code you needed

Ok, here is about 5 lines before and after each problem I had:

Problem #1:
mchatu.asm line 0410: label value misalligned.  (F1)

        ld a,(OutputBuffer)     ; First byte of buffer - id char of
        ld (PRGMLast),a
        jr SendPacket

; The function keys (except F4 and F5)

        call CLEARLCD
        ld hl,0
        ld (CURSOR_X),hl
R_51:         ld hl,F1Text
        ld b,10
        ld c,0                  ; X-coordinate 0
R_52:         call DispHelp

Problem  #2:
mchatu.asm line 0722: Label not found: (ZS_Bits)
mchatu.asm line 0722: Unused data in MS byte of argument. (2)

        ld (KeyFlags),a
R_86:         call DrawStatus

        ld hl,ZS_BITS
        set 1,(hl)              ; Exit ZShell immediately
        ld de,2                 ; General call, msg 2
        jr Exit2

        ld de,1                 ; General call, msg 1

        ld a,(InfoEntries)
        dec a
        jr z,Exit3              ; We're last - don't notify others

        ld a,$fe                ; SendInfo protocol id
R_87:         call SendInfo

Problem #3:

master.asm line 0360: unrecognized argument.  (a,7)

#ifdef NO_SYNCH
        out (7),a               ; Data available before clock pulse
        push bc
        ld b,a                  ; Save A in B (push would save F also)
        and $f7                 ; SCL=1
        out (7),a               ; Clock pulse starts

        in a,7
        or c
        and 5                   ; Set Z on ack/error
        rra                     ; CY=sent/rcvd bit

        out (7),a               ; Data available before clock pulse
        and $f7                 ; SCL=1
        out (7),a               ; Clock pulse starts
        or $08
        push bc
        ld b,a                  ; Save A in B (push would save F also)

I hope you guys can find out what's wrong with this stuff.  If not,
well, I dunno what to do then.  Anyway, email me or  write the
newsletter. Thanx in advance.