A85: Put Sprite


A85: Put Sprite

i am kinda new to programming and am not really familiar with the put_sprite
routines.  is there a heavily commented routine out there that someone could
post?  i would really appreciate it.  i have the usgard tutorial but i don't
really understand jimmy m.'s putsprite routine that well.  could someone
comment it for me?  i would really apprecate it so much.  thanks a ton.  i've
pasted jimmy m.'s putsprite at the end of this so people could comment what it
is doing with each line.  or just a summary paragraph of the mechanics.
thanks a ton everyone.


PutSprite: ; Puts a sprite pointed to by HL at B,C
 push bc
 push de
 ld a,63
 sub c
 ld c,a
 push hl
 push hl
 ld de,$FC00
 add hl,de
 ex de,hl
 pop hl
 ld b,(hl)
 inc hl
 ld c,(hl)
 inc hl
 push hl
 pop ix
 ex de,hl
 push bc
 ld d,(ix)
 inc ix
 push af
 push hl
 rl d
 ld e,a
 jr nc,PS_NoPixel
 or (hl)
 jr PS_NextPixel
 and (hl)
 ld (hl),a
 ld a,e
 jr nc,PS_SameByte
 inc hl
 djnz PS_NewCol
 pop hl
 pop af
 ld de,16
 add hl,de
 pop bc
 dec c
 jr nz,PS_NewRow
 pop hl
 pop de
 pop bc

The sprite is stored like this:
 .db 6,6 ; x- and y-width in pixels
 .db %110011
 .db %100001
 .db %000000
 .db %000000
 .db %100001
 .db %110011