Re: A85: The Quest III: Chapter 1 hints


Re: A85: The Quest III: Chapter 1 hints

In a message dated 4/1/99 10:30:14 AM MST, writes:

> Can someone give me some hints on how to get past the first part of the
>  Quest??  It's making me mad that I keep dying.  Also, if anyone has a
>  copy of the Quest III FAQ, could you send it my way because Macross
>  doesn't have it posted yet.  It keeps saying "File not found".  Thanks
>  in advance.

You might wanna try going to (I
*think* that's the right address...might have to play around with the case a
bit...).  This is the old Macross page, and it'll probably have The Quest III
FAQ in it.  Also, email Mikel about the problem ( and he
*should* have it fixed ASAP...if not, just keep on bugging him ;)