Re: A85: problems with the stack


Re: A85: problems with the stack

> ld hl,0
>  push hl
>  pop hl
>  ld (CURSOR_ROW),hl
>  ld hl,1
>  ld (CURSOR_COL),hl
>  ld hl,&title
>  call D_ZT_STR
>  title:
>  .db "hello",0
>  .end

Um. How about a ret? I really hope that isn't the whole code. You are missing
the #include, .org, and description in there. The main problem is the lack of
a ret command tho. The program will just keep running through the VAT. That is
probably why you got a big fat error. Just add the ret and you will be fine.

NAME : Mikel Blanchard, of Macross Software
WEB   :
ICQ     : 3033904 (CashOnly)