A85: Another PERPLEXING one. :-)


A85: Another PERPLEXING one. :-)

Hey again... one more question for you geniouses. :-)

Is there any form of compression for sprites?  I know there's ZCP, but doesn't
that only work for full pictures?  Say theres a standard format for sprites,
like NASRWARP or SpriteBlitt, could someone write one?  It should be easy...
although I really don't know what I'm talking about. :-)  All one would have
to do would be to take the info bytes which come in the format of:
.db a,b,c
a=x/8 rounded up
and multiply a times c.  That would by the number of bytes to compress, and
you could run it through a IBM proggie that compressed the actual data. :-)
Do I have something here?  Could the ZCP algorithm be worked into such a
program?  I could make some HELLA graphics for my new game if only I had
room... compression would most CERTAINLY be beautiful... :-)

Speak up, lest ye be forgotten. :-)

-Josh Morris