Re: A85: Have you noticed...


Re: A85: Have you noticed...

I've got a few hundred roms if you need them.  The roms are in public
domain.  Each is about 2 - 16k.  whats realy neat is that since the sound
was very simple, it would be easy to emulate.  I'm pretty sure that the CPU
puts out some type of bitstream to some type of video controller...  I'm
not sure.  Anyway, we should be able to find source to an emulator also.

>that the assembly on the calc runs about Atari quality games or better?
>There's been talk of a "company" whose name can be placed on game
>collections.  I think assembly-85 is like this company.  We help each
>other make programs, why can't we be considered a "company"
>Anyway, I brought these up because I was thinking that our list could
>possible start the development of many of the most popular Atari games in
>existence.  I know some are out so that will save some effort, but then
>we could have an Atari Classics package like Williams did only for the
>TI-85.  Maybe it could even have its own shell?  Does anyone have an old
>Atari with a lot of games?  If many people on this list would be
>interested in this idea, I'd like to know.  Just send _me_ an e-mail with
>your opinion in the subject.  If you don't like the idea, could you
>please explain why in the message and if you do like the idea, could you
>send me a list of all of the good Atari games you can think of?
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