Re[2]: A85: usgard


Re[2]: A85: usgard

Hello Jim,

Tuesday, 24 February 98, you wrote to me:

JR> Make sure you have PatchRom on your calculator when you run it, and if it
JR> still doesn't work, upload the backup then the patchrom in the programs
JR> directory.

JR> What happens when you try to run it?  Does it freeze?  Make sure you have
JR> an executable program on there.

JR> What shell are you using?

JR> At 04:05 PM 2/24/98 -0600, you wrote:
>>it would be nice if someone would send me Usgard that would work on
>>ti-85 rom 10.0 thanks
>>Best regards,
>> David                
JR> ---
JR>  Jim Reardon
JR>              ICQ UIN #1893323
JR>  Webmaster: All 4 Free
JR>  Webmaster: STE/IO Software
JR>  Homepage:
JR>  "There's no such thing as a stupid question, just stupid people that ask
JR> stupid questions."

it is when i run winshell it does it

Best regards,

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