Re: A85: Progamming in USGARD


Re: A85: Progamming in USGARD

;Greets dude. Lol :-))
;also, replying to humberto, remember, he asked usgard, and standard usgard 
;dist. includes funcpak, with an input string function.  make this file a .asm
;file and it will compile verbatim.

;some necessary stuff

#include "usgard.h"
.db "test input prog",0

;ok.  first, we need to print a nice prompt message (good to be polite :)

	ld a,5  ;y character position
	ld (CURSOR_ROW),a
	ld a,5 ;x character position
	ld (CURSOR_COL),a
	ld hl,&PromptMessage   ;where to get the message text from
	call D_ZT_STR ;put the message

;then, we need the input stuff.  We can do this using a funcpak function:

	ld ix,&EmptyBuffer ;where to put the text.  OP1 is also used often
	ld c,20 ;if his name is longer than 20 characters... jsut use a bigger #
	ld a,%00010000  ;mode byte: start with uppercase alpha
	#fncall INP_ST

;now IX->the name, and C would be set had the user pressed EXIT, but that
;matter right now.
;then, we can put the new message on the screen right under the old:

	ld a,(CURSOR_ROW)  ;these 3 lines insure that we will go under the last 
	inc a			; line used by the input stuff
	ld (CURSOR_ROW),a    ;and not over write it
	ld a,5		
	ld (CURSOR_COL),a ;here we reset the x pos to 5, even with before
	ld hl,&ReplyMessage ;where we get the 1st part of the reply message from
	call D_ZT_STR  ;display the first part of the message
	push ix  ;ix holds where we put the text
	pop hl		;so now hl does. 
	call D_ZT_STR   ;and now display the name data.
	call OTH_PAUSE  ;now we wait for the user to press enter before we quit
	call OTH_EXIT

;and the data section will be like this:

	.db "What is your name? ",0
	.db "Hello ",0
	.db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0  ;you get the point.  logn
							;enough for your input

.end  ;dumb thing, but necessary
