A85: math32.inc


A85: math32.inc

I finished my 32-bit math include file.  You'll have to read the file to
know how to use it but once you have it set up it makes using the 32-bit
math VERY easy, various load routines, add, sub, sr, sl, mul, div, and a
routines to convert a 32-bit int to a string.  You can also use these
routines for fixed point math, all you have to do is write a new 32-bit
var to string routine.
There are links to the file math32.inc on all of my ti pages.  They
are: www.engr.csufresno.edu/~humberto/tex.html  (main ti page)
www.engr.csufresno.edu/~humberto/z80source.html (source page)
www.engr.csufresno.edu/~humberto/tyrant.html    (game page)
Have a look. 

-Humberto Yeverino Jr.

"I kick ass for the Lord."


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